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Citizens With Disabilities � Ontario (CWDO) is committed to the rights of all persons to participate fully in the civil, cultural, economic, political and social life of their communities.

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CWDO has a variety of ways we can help you reach potential markets for your business.

  1. Advertisements on our website
  2. Dedicated sponsorship of specific events or projects
  3. Promoting your CWDO Member Discounts for your products and services

Contact us to advertise.

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Recipient of CWDO's 2009 Partnership Award

CWDO is pleased to acknowledge the significant contribution made by the BMO Financial Group in support of webinars on Registered Disability Savings Plans.  This webinar will be presented again, live, on November 10 at 10 am EST.  For further information, go to our Planned Webinars page.

Visit Our Sponsors

Please visit our sponsors, and give them your business, if you can.  The organizations below have contributed to Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario: